The Bilderberg’s Website Hacked By Anonymous: “We Will Watch You”

The Bilderberg Club’s website has been hacked, and the hackers have a big message they have sent to the infamous club: Start working for humanity within the next year, or we’ll hack and go after your assets.


The Bilderberg Club is a group of European and American elite, which comprise of politics, global industry, finance, media and academics, who have met annually since 1954. Their meetings are famously closed to the public and blacked out to press coverage. Their last meeting was in Dresden, Germany, which took place in June of this year.

Earlier today, the hackers took down the Bilderberg’s website and posted a message of their own:

“Dear Bilderberg members, from now on, each one of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests.” 

The hackers, who claim to be from the HackBack Movement and Anonymous, took down and further posted an even more threatening message on the site:

“Mind the current situation: We control your expensive connected cars, we control your connected house security devices, we control your daughter’s laptop, we control your wife’s mobile. We tape your secret meetings, we read your emails, we control your favorite escort girl’s smartwatch, we are inside your beloved banks and we are reading your assets. You won’t be safe anywhere near electricity anymore.”

We wonder what kind of backlash this might have, both for the hackers and for the Bilderberg members. It has been said that the third world war is already happening, but happening not on a battle field, but in cyberspace.


Just last month, Barrett Brown was released from prison after serving more than four years behind bars for hacking information related to the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. Brown claimed to be the unofficial spokesman for Anonymous and has said he will continue his investigative journalism now that he is out of prison.

In the past couple years, Anonymous has claimed responsibility for dozens of high level hacks, including releasing information about the KKK and affiliated politicians and hacking the ISIL terrorist group.

Anonymous also has released a threatening message to the mainstream media, which happened last month. Just a few days ago, Anonymous also released a message to humanity saying that 2017 would be an exciting year in many regards.

What are your thoughts? Will Anonymous make good on it’s promise to continue hacking the Bilderbergs? Will the members of the Bilderberg Club take this message seriously and begin to work for the benefit of humanity? Or will they ignore the message and possibly suffer consequences of Anonymous’ message? Exciting times we live in.

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The post The Bilderberg’s Website Hacked By Anonymous: “We Will Watch You” appeared first on The Mind Unleashed.


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