Putin Tired Of ‘Russian Hack Lies’ Sends A Message Directly To The American People collective-evolution

Ever since Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 US presidential election, we have seen some very interesting things happen. From sheer panic to claims of Russian hacks to blaming ‘fake news,’ everything under the sun has been pulled out to blame someone or something for why she lost.

The two apparent reasons that have seemed to raise to the surface the most, and the mainstream seems to be running with, are the idea that Russia hacked the DNC and caused the problem and that the spread of fake news got people so disinterested in Hillary that they voted for Trump.

Off the top, it could be easy to see how Russia would perform a hack of the DNC if you believe the propaganda coming from mainstream US news, but upon closer look and by listening to more than one worldly news outlet like The Intercept, RT or Anti Media  you will begin to hear a different story.

Once these claims began floating around, we reached out to various high level contacts that might be able to help us get to the bottom of what was really going on here. How did Trump actually win? Who was providing WikiLeaks with all of the information? The elite is clearly panicking, but what are they going to do next?

From those sources, who we can’t name at the moment for obvious reasons but are connected to individuals inside the FBI and CIA, we’ve heard that the leaks came from the inside. They came from people who were tired of having to play the elite and cabals game for so long and watching as it negatively began to affect their own country and life. In essence, these people, like Snowden, had seen enough and were fed up with the constant lies, cover up and manipulation of people, so they decided to do something about it.

Strong Evidence?

There is also something to be said about how weak the evidence is that Putin/Russia had anything to do with a hack, and the fact that the entire focus is on a hack versus someone simply handing over documents they would have had access to i.e. inside people, is quite telling.

The way I see it, if the evidence was so strong, there wouldn’t be as much of an argument or debate. It’s one thing to have some level of disagreement, but Russia’s involvement is so speculative and yet such a powerful US propaganda tool that you almost have to question the legitimacy of it.

Judging from the following statement put forth by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it seems they’ve grown tired of the US’ push to blame Russia. This public statement addresses the issue quite clearly and is one the American people should note when questioning what is really going on in this Putin/hacker story.

This message has been directly copied off a section of Russia’s Foreign Policy on their government website.

“Frankly speaking, we are tired of lies about Russian hackers that continue to be spread in the United States from the very top. The Obama administration launched this misinformation half a year ago in a bid to play up to the required nominee at the November presidential election and, having failed to achieve the desired effect, has been trying to justify its failure by taking it out with a vengeance on Russian-US relations.

However, the truth about the White House-orchestrated provocation is bound to surface sooner or later. In fact, this is already happening. On December 8, US media quoted Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp as saying that the local authorities tracked down the origin of a hacker attack on his voter registration database after the election. The attack was traced to an IP address of the Department of Homeland Security. This was followed by an attempt to quickly cover up this information by a flood of new anti-Russian accusations that did not contain a single piece of evidence.

We can only add that if Washington takes new hostile steps, it will receive an answer. This applies to any actions against Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, which will immediately backfire at US diplomats in Russia. The Obama administration probably does not care at all about the future of bilateral relations, but history will hardly forgive it for this après-nous-le-deluge attitude. Source

What To Do With This Information

As stated many times on our news platform, we take an approach of informing, creating a shift in perspective and then inspiring action from that new perspective. By seeing the world’s happenings through different perspectives and fresh eyes, we can begin to shift our consciousness and ultimately create a world that better reflects what people want versus what their governments/the elite are creating. Again, we help to shed light on how things truly function, as oppose to the illusory story mainstream news and media project.

The more we understand how our world really functions, the more we can begin to see through the lies and manipulation being used to control us and keep us down. This isn’t about us versus them and having to fight back, it’s about KNOWING. When you become aware you begin to see the world very differently and ultimately you make different choices. You no longer just follow along your daily actions robotically, you get in touch more with YOU and your own stream of thought.


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