JP Sears Shares The Truth Behind Standing Rock (Video) collective-evolution

JP Sears is a comedic Internet sensation, he is well known for poking fun at various aspects within the truth or new age movement with light-hearted humor! He shows us that it can be fun to laugh at ourselves sometimes!

In regards to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and everything being done by water protectors at Standing Rock, Sears does a great job at showcasing the irony of the argument and laying out some very important details about what the oil companies are dealing with -which is in no way even close to everything that those standing at Standing Rock are having to deal with. Not that it’s about comparing, but simply because it helps us to see the truth of the matter.

He points to some eye-opening facts about the legalities surrounding this issue and shows us the amount of injustice that is truly taking place.

Check Out The Video

Here are some highlights of what was said in the video to showcase just how unfair this really is:

“These oppressors have no respect for the oil industry and their rich tradition of destroying water supplies and ruining sacred Native American sites.”

“The oppressors are trying to strong arm the oil companies into stopping construction on the pipeline because they just want to profit from having clean drinking water for themselves, 18 million other people and future generations. It’s pure greed.

They even have the audacity to stand up for the environment through peaceful protest and prayers.”

“But here’s the brilliant part of it all, the oil companies have got law enforcement officials who are funded by the taxpayers money, to attack the taxpayers who are trying to protect the taxpayers water supply from the oil company’s pipeline. Makes sense.”

As you can clearly see in the video, Sears is flipping this information around to show how absurd it would actually look if this issue were reversed and the protestors were in fact the threat, even they have no corporate funding, or weapons to assist them.

Some Quick Facts About The DAPL

Should the government decide to go ahead with this pipeline it is in direct violation with the Treaty of Fort Laramine, which means it is against the law.

They broke the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This act was passed in 1970, it’s the United States first environmental policy to state that when a federal permit is needed to put through a proposal to change the use, distribute or diminish the value of publicly owned resources, a cost benefit analysis is required to be done first.

In July, the US Army Corps of Engineers authorized the $3.7 Billion DAPL project. If it is constructed it will carry a minimum of 470,000 barrels of crude oil daily from North Dakota’s Bakken oil fields, to a hub in Illinois, before reaching final refining markets. The oil will be sold overseas.

It’s not a matter of if this pipeline will break and/or leak, it’s a matter of when.

This pipeline was originally supposed to be routed through Bismarck, which is populated mostly with caucasian people. It was concluded that this was too great a threat to their water supply and decided to move it. This of course put the Native water supply at risk instead.

Militarized police have been used to attack the peaceful water protectors who are defending their land. These police are armed with tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray and dogs, while the peaceful protectors are unarmed.

Energy Transfer Partners is one of the largest stakeholders in the pipeline. Between 1999 and 2010 they averaged one oil spill per every 5 days. That’s a total of 804 spilling around 5 million gallons of oil into the environment.

The people who are protesting have every right to do so; it’s a matter of more money for the economy versus the water supply and the potential lives of thousands of people who depend on it.

How Can You Help?

As mentioned at the end of the video, you can donate directly to help support those who are risking their lives to defend their water supply. You can also go out to show your support and stand by the people, and what we know is right.

Send your prayers and positive energy their way, they need all the support they can get! Get involved, spread the word and share this information, this is not an issue that the mainstream media is covering.

The people who are protecting have it right -water is life. This demonstration is an amazing metaphor for what has been going on in the world for decades. Finally people are coming together from all over the world to stand up for our Mother Earth and our water supply. Water is life.

We stand with you, Standing Rock, in solidarity.

Much Love


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