Sign Susan Sarandon’s Petition To Tell Big Banks To Stop Funding DAPL collective-evolution
Looking to help create change on the planet? This is your opportunity to be one of the approximately 6,000 more signatures that Susan Sarandon needs to send a message to the Big Banks behind DAPL. By this point we are certainly all well aware of what is happening with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock. But for those who have been living under a metaphorical rock, the DAPL is a $3.7 billion project that intends to create a 1,172 mile pipeline spanning four U.S. states. Thankfully, this unscrupulous and financially-driven business endeavour has not gone without protest, as thousands have shown up from all over the world to voice their opposition. Some members of the CE team even spent several days on the front lines earlier this month to both provide some much needed media coverage and to experience firsthand what has now become one of the most notable protests in human history. While out there, we were able to connect with several recognizable celebri...