The Real Winner of the U.S. “Election” Will Be The People
There is no doubt about it. Many people dislike Donald Trump and many people dislike Hillary Clinton. Each candidate has several flaws which have been discussed for many months now. If one of those two are to win, we will certainly see a major sector of the people in the U.S. very upset. While many of you reading this might be thinking, “is this guy crazy? How can the people be the winners of the election when we have two candidates who have such major flaws?” Allow me to explain.
As I stated above, it is very likely that a major sector of the population is going to be very upset at the outcome of the race, regardless of who would win–Hillary or Donald. I believe this is going to force a lot of action and a lot of change.
Let’s think about it a bit. If you are upset about something and want something to change, a rational choice that is often made is to do something about it; you take action. I believe that whoever wins, we will begin to see people take action of all sorts, even from those whose favorite candidate wins.
For instance, some Trump supporters are claiming that an election win for Hillary Clinton could lead to a revolution within the U.S, according to The New York Times.
“People are going to march on the capitols. They’re going to do whatever needs to be done to get her out of office, because she does not belong there.” [If Hillary would win]
On the other side, some people will probably make good on their promises to leave the U.S. if Donald Trump would win the election. We would almost certainly see many people oppose (as well as support) some of the initiatives he would like to enact.
The point with all of this is that this election result is sure to fire up and catalyze change via the masses taking individual and collective action. Regardless of where you stand on the election, it is clear and can be agreed upon that the System and Establishment must go and it must be replaced with something far better.
Whoever wins, a revolutionary-mindset is likely to be ignited in a large number of Americans and people around the world.
Regardless of the winner, many people will begin asking themselves, their friends and family members what they can do to start creating some change they would like to see. With that, let’s ask ourselves some questions right now.
- What can I personally do right now to make my life and the lives around me more peaceful and happy?
- What can I do in my local community that will create or lead to changes I’d like to see both in my community and in the world at large?
- How can I start taking better care of myself? What dietary changes do I know I need to make? Do I need to start exercising?
- How can I treat all people around me better, especially women? (A good question Trump’s situation has brought forward)
- How can I be more truthful to myself and others? (A good question Hillary’s situation has brought forward)
We must not give our power away. We have the power to make these choices and make big changes in our lives and the community and world around us. As it is known in quantum physics, any choice or change that is made by one individual, effects the entire population.
Massive change will be initiated with this election. Source
While many people believe that the two candidates are bad choices either way, we must see that if we are to believe that, we are only looking at a small part of the issue. We must look deeper. Will this election, regardless of who wins, stimulate a groundswell of passion and action towards positive change from the masses? Absolutely. Will it cause people to look deeper within themselves to create positive change for their own lives? Certainly.
We must take it upon ourselves to create the change we wish to see in the world. This election will force massive change, which is something most Americans and people around the world see the need for creating.
I believe we will look back at this time down the road and see that this was a turning point for our world. I believe people living in the U.S and abroad will see this as a time ripe for opportunity. I believe we will see that this is when the world was ready to begin creating massive change from the grassroots level, and realizing very little true change has ever come from our ELECTED selected “leaders.”
It is the people’s time.
Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and practices health coaching through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health facebook page or visit the website for more information on how to receive health coaching for yourself, a family member or a friend as well as view other inspiring articles.
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