“Shoot First Ask Questions Later” : What Happens To A UFO When Tracked on Military Radar collective-evolution

“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”

The quote above comes from Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister. (source)

Based on all of my research into this topic, which has been conducted for more than 10 years, I’ve come across a number of apparent instances where these UFO’s completely avoided our aircfract, commercial or military.

Their (the UFO) actions, based on all the documentation out there, always seem to be evasive in nature, regardless of whether these craft are human controlled, or extraterrestrial controlled.

On the other hand, it’s not the same for the human race. When an unknown object enters into sensitive airspace, it’s going to be known about, and it’s not uncommon for military agencies to scramble jets in order to take a look. This is something that’s been very well documented, based on my estimates, this is something that’s happened thousands of times around the world for decades.

“The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data. Maybe when this group of nations acquires more precise and definite information, it will be possible to release the news to the world” – General Carlos Castro Cavero, Spanish Air Force General (0)

Another common question that comes about when it comes to crashed craft, is if they are so advanced, how have we been able to bring some of them down?

Roswell was not the only incident, I believe this to have happened several dozens of times, and I’m not the only one. From what I’ve looked into, they could disable guided missiles, nuclear weapons and electronic equipment, but were not well prepared for anti-aircraft fire (guns).

I’m not quite sure if things have remained the same.

Below are the words of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the moon, clearly I am not alone in my research and beliefs.

We now have statements from hundreds of credible whistleblowers on the topic of UFOs and Exxtraterrestrials.

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered… We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source)

“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” (source)

So, What Happens When They Are Tracked On Radar?

When the FAA tracks them on radar, a protocol is followedT hey report it to data collection centers, one of them being the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies. (1) But evidence suggests that it’s not so simple as just following protocol. Retired FAA Senior Division Chief, John Callahan, shared his experience with regards to a specific UFO incident, you can watch hat b read more about that here.

Representatives from the FBI and CIA showed up to find out more about the incident, and to obtain all documentation and video footage. Bigelow Aerospace Director, Mike Gold, recently expressed that he is glad somebody is taking the reports, because it is a “serious issue,” but he also said that he could not comment on what they do with them. To see that interview, click here.

“If one thing is glaringly obvious, it is that the UFO phenomenon is global and has included many military encounters.” – Richard Dolan, Author, Historian, UFO Researcher.(0)

So, what happens when UFOs are tracked on military/defence agency radar? Well, the first thing that happens is that it is recorded and documented. Documents regarding UFOs and the tracking of them on radar have been declassified within the past few years, there are countless examples from multiple agencies, like the NSA. (source)

If something is violating your airspace, and performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics, maneuvers that no known  air craft can perform, you’re going to want to take a closer look. As UFOs do present a number of defence, national security and air safety issues.

One case in particular I’d like to start out with is the incident over Tehran, Iran. This incident occurred on the night of September 18th, 1976. A four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describes the encounter in detail. Furthermore, both of the pilots involved discussed the event years later. (source)

What happened on this night is an example of what has happened multiple times with regards to military encounters with UFOs. Residents of the city noticed a big bright object in the sky. The airport traffic controller also noticed, “it was an intensely bright object that was not supposed to be there.” The Iranian Air Force was contacted (at the time they were a close ally of the United States, under the rule of the Shah), and they dispatched two F-4 fighter jets to check out the object. The United States took this encounter very seriously, a report of what happened was sent to multiple national security officials AND U.S. President Gerald R. Ford, CIA Director George Bush, and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, among others.(0) 

Both of the F-4 interceptor pilots reported seeing the object visually, it was also tracked on their airborne radar. Both planes experienced critical instrumentation and electronics go offline at a distance of twenty-five miles from the object. Here is an excerpt from the report:

“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”  (source)

The report also described how a smaller object detached from the bigger object, turned inside the arc of the F-4 itself, and then regained the original object. This incident lasted for several hours. I decided to use this example because it has a number of declassified supporting national security documents, which goes to show how serious this event was taken.

Another significant event occurred over NATO’s Aviano Air Base in Italy, on July 1, 1977. During this event, several U.S. Air Force personnel saw a UFO hovering outside of the base perimeter. While the object was there, the facility lost electrical power.(5)

From November 9th through December 18th in 1978, several major UFO events occurred over the oilfields of Kuwait. They also appeared to disrupt major electrical equipment in this case. This event received major attention from the Kuwaiti government, as well as the U.S. government and Embassy.(6)(0)

According to Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading UFO researchers, perhaps the most dramatic of all were two encounters that year on December 16th by the Chilean Air Force:

“Two pilots on a training mission, each flying an F5 fighter aircraft, tracked the object on their airborne radar. It gave a return equal to ten or more aircraft carriers-except this object was in the air, not floating on the water. Each pilot assumed his radar equipment was faulty, until he learned that the other pilot was also getting the same return. Not only this, but ground radar from a nearby airport also picked up the object and confirmed its huge size. The pilots also saw the object with their own eyes. One pilot later said that at a distance of twenty miles, it looked “like a plantain banana swathed in smoke.” The pilots were frightened, having no missiles or weapons. As they approached the massive object, which had been motionless all this while, it took off at an unimaginable speed. All at once, it vanished from the three radar screens.”(7)(0)

The very next morning the Chilean Air Force scrambled some F5 fighter jets to intercept another very large UFO. The pilots described this one as very bright, and very large. The Chilean Air Force has officially acknowledged these events, but could not explain what had occurred. (7)(0)

On May 19, 1986, there was a large portion of Brazilian airspace that was constantly occupied by UFOs. The Brazilian air-force constantly scrambled their jets to get a closer look at what they were picking up on radar. Here is a quote from the Brazilian Minister of Aeronautics, Brigadier General Otavio Moreira Lima:

“At least 20 objects were detected by Brazilian radars. They saturated the radars and interrupted traffic in the area. Each time that radar detected unidentified objects, fighters took off for intercept. Radar detects only solid metallic bodies and heavy (mass) clouds. There were no clouds nor conventional aircraft in the region. The sky was clear. Radar doesn’t have optical illusions. We can only give technical explanations and we don’t have them. It would be very difficult for us to talk about the hypothesis of an electronic war. It’s very remote and it’s not the case here in Brazil. It’s fantastic. The signals on the radar were quite clear.” (8)(0)

I’d also like to point out that UFOs have been seen and coincide with the deactivation of nuclear missiles and nuclear missile facilities all over the world.

Below is a video of Robert Hastings, you can look into him if you want to learn more.

The list goes on and on, UFOs tracked on radar and military jets scrambled to check them out is nothing new. I hope I’ve given you a good amount of info to further your research if interested. Dozens and dozens of governments have recently released their UFO files, admitting to the phenomenon being real. You can access the United Kingdoms latest batch that was released in June 2013 here.

According to U.S. defense records, an interesting sighting of a UFO was reported by the Ghana Air Force on July 27, 1987. It was a large, silent object which the pilot described as two or three times large than a Boeing 747. He said that the “object dropped altitude, then gained altitude, then was replaced by small bluish lights arranged in a circular formation.” (9)(0)

Below is a quote from Paul Hellyer, X Canadian Defence Minister describing another documented case.

“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is in unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They’re very much afraid that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them also.” –Paul Hellyer (source)

What Do They Look Like When The Pilots See Them?

“If it does indeed turn out that there is relevant physical evidence, if this evidence is carefully collected and analyzed, and if this analysis leads to the identification of several facts concerning the UFO phenomenon, then will be the time for scientists to step back and ask, what are these facts trying to tell us? If those facts are strong enough to lead to a firm conclusion, then will be the time to confront the more bizarre questions. If, for instance, it turns out that all physical evidence is consistent with a mundane interpretation of the causes of UFO reports, there will be little reason to continue to speculate about the role of extraterrestrial beings. If, on the other hand, the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles but probably also extraterrestrial beings.” (source)

The quote above comes from Peter Andrew Sturrock, a British Scientist, and an Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. Sturrock and a number of other notable scientists around the world came together during the 1990’s in order to examine the physical evidence that is commonly associated with the UFO phenomenon. One example used by Sturrock in his analysis, was a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1956, in McCleod, Alberta, Canada. (“Physical Evidence Related To UFO Reports” – The Sturrock Panel Report – Electromagnetic Effects) (source) (source)

militaryThe pilots were flying in a formation of four F86 Sabre jet aircraft. One of the pilots described the phenomenon as a “bright light which was sharply defined as disk-shaped,” that looked like “a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal.” Another pilot managed to photograph the object, as you can see to the left.

The sighting lasted for a couple of minutes, and this specific case was analyzed by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, who estimated (from available data) that the luminosity of the object (the power output within the spectral range of the film) to be many megawatts. The Sturrock Panel also found it to be the case that a strong magnetic field surrounding the phenomenon or object was a common occurrence.

Maccabee published his analysis in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (“Optical Power Output of an Unidentified High Altitude Light Source,” published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 13, #2, 1999).  He also published one in 1994 titled “Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object,” in the same journal (8, #3, 347)

Dr. Jacques Vallee, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, also published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Exploration titled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Ariel Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics.” (source)(source)

This particular case is also referenced in this paper.

“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source, NY Times)

It’s only now that more people are starting to become aware of this information. Here is a quote from Senator Barry Goldwater before the de-classification of all of these files:

“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry GoldwaterChairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)

Below is a great clip from author and researcher Richard Dolan, taken from The Citizens Hearing On Disclosure summing it all up in one short speech.

For more information on the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic, and for more articles on the subject by CE, click HERE.


(0) Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014

(1) http://bit.ly/2eElMIM

(2) http://bit.ly/295pw1P

(3) http://bit.ly/1S0fVuz

(4) http://bit.ly/2eEmMMW

(5) http://bit.ly/2eEpcex

(6) U.S. Department of State Telegram, January 29, 1979, “UFO sightings Cause Security Concern in Kuwait,” From American Embassy Kuwait to Secretary of State, Washington, Dc; Kuwait Times, Nov. 16, 18, 1978; Arab Times,Nov. 23,25, 1978; “UFOs in Arab Nations,”MUFON UFO Journal, Jan-Feb 1979; “UFOs Over Kuwait,” The APRO Bulletin, Jan. 1979; Fawcett, Lawrence and Greenwood, Barry, Clear Intent, 90-91.

(7) Huneeus, J, Antonio, “A Chilean Overview,” MUFON UFO Journal, 6/86; Huneeus, J. Antonio, “A Historical Survey of UFO Cases in Chilie,” MUFON 1987 International Symposium Proceedings (MUFON, 1987.)

(8) Department of Defense JCS Message Center, Subject: B6/BAF Has a Close Encounter of the First Kind. Date: 20 May 86. Subject: Numerous Unidentified Objects Were Cited in the Skies over Brazil. But BAF Fighters Were Unable to Intercept Them. Berliner, Don, The UFO Briefing Document, p. 121-127. Huneeus, J. Antonio, “UFO Alert in Brazil,” MUFON UFO Journal, 11/86. Andrus, Walt, “UFOs Over Brazil,” MUFON UFO Journal, 9/86. Smith, Dr Willy, “The Brazillian Incident,” International UFO Reporter, 7-8/86. Smith, Dr. Willy, “More on Brazilian OVNIs,” MUFON UFO Journal, 9/86. 

(9) U.S Defense Department Information Report, August 20, 1987. From JCS; To AIG; Subject Unidentified Flying Object; Item Number 00427453.

(10) (10) http://bit.ly/2eVTpnK


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