Even Though the System is a Scam We Can Still Make Money Ethically

The masses have long been programmed to accept that the design of the banking system and the money supply is the best we can do, but slowly this lie is coming undone. That’s because more and more people now understand that these public utilities have been stolen from us.

Simply, the entire finance sector is a privately-owned casino where the house always wins.

After this scam caused the GFC of 2008 and the subsequent suffering inflicted on millions of innocent, hard-working people, the bank bailouts caused public outrage. This not only woke people up to the fact that the political arena is covertly ruled via the banking and corporate elite, but also that the entire economic model is based on infinite growth and therefore has no respect for the health and vitality of the people, or our natural systems.

The condemnation towards the hijacking of the monetary and political systems hasn’t subsided either, even if it’s not as apparent as it was during the worldwide Occupy Protests several years ago. Many people have certainly put it on the backburner as they’ve gotten distracted with other external or internal challenges, yet that will most likely change for many of them soon.

As the fiat monetary system made up of crony capitalism and socialism for the rich slowly implodes, the rich are getting richer, the poor poorer and the middle class is dissolving. Therefore, more people are beginning to ask why there’s so much debt, to who is it owed and why they’re personally struggling to make ends meet when there’s so much so-called money in the hands of a few.

Plus, a new crash of the asset classes – such as stocks, bonds and real estate – eagerly awaits. That doesn’t even include the ticking time-bomb of derivatives, either.

Saturated by all this dishonor, greed and corruption, there are a growing number of people who want real fundamental change. There are essentially two lines of thought on how to ideally design the system compared to what we’ve got now; one is something like minimal government and non-fiat free market capitalism, and the other is a money-less, abundance-based economy.

Both of these beliefs are hardcore to some, however they’re just theories as they’ve never been truly tested in the context we’re in. They also appear unrealistic in the short term, particularly because the evolution of the social system will most likely be a step-by-step process of re-educating the population and implementing the necessary changes.

If I was to take a personal guess, I imagine the first option will more or less eventually be created, followed inevitably by the second. That’s because the argument that money or any other store of value inherently generates scarcity – and therefore greed, inequality, conflict and enslavement – has showed itself as the shining light on all this darkness.

In any case, the world is changing. People are also changing with it, particularly around what real value, truth and meaning is all about. As humanity shifts in consciousness towards more ethical and honorable ways to live, it will not only encourage but force the system and its mechanisms to evolve accordingly, or die.

As we all should know by now, organizational ethics is in serious shortage so it really is untapped potential. So if we own a business we can encode integrity into our philosophies and practices which will attract those consumers who want to purchase their goods ethically.

In terms of individuals, we can work towards being employed by those types of businesses or in sectors that provide genuine community services, as well as immediately spend our money in a forward-thinking way. We can also look towards building our own business that treats the community and the environment with the utmost respect.

Ultimately, if we want to be ahead of the game – and to navigate nobly through all this mess – the way we both spend and make money is a critical issue of consideration for all of us. Regardless if we have our own business or work for a corporation, we simply need to initiate a process where we are as conscious as we can be in how we consume, and how we earn our living.

To find out more, watch the following interview with Paul Seils.


Phillip J. Watt lives on the Mid North Coast of NSW Australia. His written and film work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook, watch his interviews with an array of inspiring guests at his YouTube Channel or visit his website.


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