‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse In Virgo: This Is What’s Going On! collective-evolution

We are having a power annular Solar Eclipse in Virgo on September 1st, days after Mercury went retrograde in the same sign. It will be clearly visible in Central Africa and partially in Southern Africa. The peak will occur at 9:03am Universal Time but will begin just under 3 hours beforehand. Whether or not it will be visible from your location, its astrological significance will be reflected throughout the entire world as all eclipses and planetary configurations do.

This type of eclipse (annular) is commonly referred to as a ‘Ring of Fire’ because when it is in its totality, the Sun’s light forms the lit up edges, appearing as a ring. This is due to the Moon being close to its Node and apogee, which is when it is farthest from the Earth. During a Total Eclipse, the Moon is also close to the Node, but instead at its perigee, which is when it is closer to the Earth and appears bigger.

Solar Eclipses are very potent New Moons that generally happen every 6 months. Astrologically this is recognized as a time of powerful changes and new beginnings in specific area(s) of our lives. These changes build up in the 6 weeks before and play out during the following 4-6 month period leading up to the next one.

Everyone will have their own unique experience of this time, and for some people it will be stronger than others. However this plays out for each of us largely depends on how it interacts with each of our natal astrology charts (based on exact birth time).

Solar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

vir-glyph-embossedThis is the 4th of 5 Solar Eclipses occurring in the polarity of Virgo and Pisces, which started in March 2015. This is a 2.5 year period in which we are creating powerful changes, with an emphasis on moving toward the Virgo side of the polarity, as this is where the North Node is located during this period. The Virgo themes get really amplified during the month of this eclipse because of Mercury retrograding in the same sign, and it also the last Solar Eclipse in Virgo of this series.

Virgo represents responsibilities, health, productivity, work, skills, and day-to-day routine. It is analytical but also about purity, cleanliness, and perfectionism. This is a period when situations and circumstances come up that ask us to integrate some of these aspects more so then ever.

Mercury retrograde is going to really help us see things in a new light and also set us up to get into gear for the following months. However, we also need to consider that due to everything that is happening this month, many of our current expectations will be changed as things unfold.  

T-Square With Saturn and Neptune, Jupiter Entering Libra

Saturn and Neptune have been in a square aspect since fall 2015, and it will finalize this month. This eclipse is highly activating, as it is forming a ‘T-Square’ pattern with these two planets.

Saturn and Neptune have been playing out in different ways since this period began. Many people may have been experiencing conflicts with boundaries, and for some people, this energy has had an effect of dissolving structures.

sol-ecl-vir-2016-chartConsidering that these planets will be having their final square, occurring near eclipses and during Mercury Retrograde, there is a strong theme of really needing to get realistic with our dreams, delusions, and/or lack of groundedness.  Saturn is at the apex of this pattern and it represents discipline, restriction, boundaries, commitment, reality, and focus. It is in the sign of Sagittarius, which represents our beliefs, perspectives, and higher education.

Jupiter will be entering Libra on September 9th and it will stay there until October 2017. It is currently in Virgo and has been there since August 2015, creating a landscape in which many feel overwhelmed with tasks and duties, both personal and professional. It is now finishing up what it started then.

As it transitions into Libra, Jupiter brings growth and expansiveness around relationships, partnerships, equality, and justice. Generally, this will be a great year for relating and connecting with others and also good for social movements (like Black Lives Matter, for example) as this sign is about balance and considering different sides and perspectives. Libra is also associated with beauty, design, and creativity, which can also be stimulated by Jupiter as well.

Things to Consider During This Period

Consider which Virgo-themes coming up now for you may have also surfaced in the last 6 weeks. Also factor in what has been playing out since August 2015, since there is a connection between this period and things set into motion at that time. This is the next and final step for this evolution that has been unfolding. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to check out my Mercury Retrograde article which has a timeline at the bottom.

How can you make your life more efficient and productive and what is preventing that? What are your counterproductive patterns (and/or habits) and how can you rearrange your lifestyle in win-reading-ad-3order to transcend them? What do you need to do to improve your health and overall well-being? Some people have been experiencing health complications, which is the body trying to get your attention to make positive changes. Pay attention to any signs like that.

Perhaps you need to organize your space(s) and your life better? Considering the combination of Virgo and Libra energy, you may want to look into Feng Shui. It is an ancient system of organizing your space that feels good and helps to create more harmony and success in your life.

If you wish to do intentions for this eclipse, it is best to do it within the first 24 hours following the exact moment of when the New Moon (eclipse) begins. It will be at 9:03am Universal Time, you can click here to find out for your time zone.

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