Akon Provides Electricity To 80 Million Africans collective-evolution

Here in the west, Akon is a celebrity mostly known by his musical hits like “Locked Up,” “Lonely,” “Belly Dancer,” and “Ghetto” to name just a few.

But his most amazing noteworthy achievement and legacy, which has not been mentioned much in the mainstream western media, is that through his entrepreneurial endeavors stemming from the success that he had through his music career, he has changed the fate and quality of life of millions of Africans through his Akon Lights Africa Project.

Akon sidestepped the political challenges and roadblocks stemming from the oil industry by partnering with a Chinese solar power manufacturer and founding a renewable solar powered energy company that is currently providing electricity to approximately 16 million Africans in 15 countries, and this number continues to rise everyday.

By late 2017, it is estimated that Akon Lights Africa will be providing electricity to 80 million Africans.  There are currently 600 million Africans in remote areas who have no access to electricity.

Akon’s company is the fastest growing solar powered electricity provider in the world. His efforts and contribution to the African people are undeniably astonishing, staggering, and game-changing.  His project is profoundly influencing the future of Africa and through this example, clearly setting the stage for the shifts to come to our energy infrastructures.



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