20 Incredibly Fun Workout Classes collective-evolution

I think it’s safe to say that if you want to live a long and healthy life, regular exercise is a must. In 2013, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveyed 450,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, asking them how often and for how long they engage in aerobic physical activity outside of their jobs. The survey concluded that 80 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise — a lifestyle which can lead to a number of health issues, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

It’s no secret that for most of us, exercising can often feel like a chore (or a bore), but thankfully there are some workouts that not only help you to get your blood pumping, but are also extremely fun!

Thriller/Sorry Dance Class


When I was younger I loved to dance and make dance routines with my friends or copy the moves I enjoyed from music videos, and it was always a fun way to be creative and extremely active. Dancing has an array of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health and increased muscular strength, endurance, and motor fitness. It also makes for a great aerobic workout. At Gold’s Gym, located in several countries around the world, you can learn the full choreography to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” over the course of five weeks. In Toronto, you can take another choreography class, except this time you’ll learn the dance moves from Justin Bieber’s “Sorry” music video. Check out Fly Lady Di for more info!


POUND fuses Pilates, isometric movements, plyometric and yoga-based poses into a 45-minute series and is a full-body cardio jam session, combining easy-to-follow cardio moves with strength training and drumming. You can burn up to 600 calories, strengthen and sculpt infrequently used muscles, and drum your way to a leaner, slimmer physique, all while rocking out to your favourite music.



Hula Hooping


This class will definitely bring you back to your childhood days, and now it has become a full-out exercise technique and dance phenomenon. It will help you to develop your core strength and works out your body as a whole. Not only than that, it improves your spinal strength and flexibility, as well as your hand-eye coordination and motor skills.

Naked Yoga


This class has all the makings of a regular yoga class except… you’re naked! Talk about shedding for your soul. This form of yoga focuses on body-happy yoga classes, so you don’t have to go full on nude if you don’t want to.  YogiBare classes in Toronto offer everything from yoga for the individual or couples to sex education.

Ganja yoga


Again, this has all the same makings of a typical yoga class, except you can smoke pot! Often when we smoke we become less inhibited in poses, and smoking also stimulates the parts of the brain that are most receptive to spiritual awakenings. It’s ‘BYOB,’ so to speak, and smoking is not mandatory.



Why not, right? Now you can actually learn how to twerk without embarrassing yourself trying to learn alone in your bedroom. At Flirty Girl Fitness, you can learn to thrust your junk in this booty-toning workout, so now you can work on those twerking skills and burn major calories at the same time!

Kangoo Jump


I have personally taken a class like this and it was so much fun! Most classes usually incorporate some sort of dance routine to a song, all while jumping with these boots on. It gives you an amazing cardio workout and helps to tone your legs and butt.

Bollywood Dancing

The best part about taking a new dance class is that you’re not expected to be an expert! Learning something new and being accepting of your own lack of skill can make for a truly fun experience if you allow it to be. Let yourself enjoy the pulsing music and exotic moves. Depending on your instructor the class can be quite a cardio workout or just a toning class.



This is a very interesting mix of training because it incorporates ballet and boxing. This class challenges your flexibility and sculpts long, lean muscles with basic barre moves and tests your coordination and endurance with fast-paced jab combinations.

Burlesque Dancing


This class offers more than just a basic workout — it helps create a renewed positive body image for yourself. You will leave feeling more confident than ever! It teaches you the correct way to walk in heels to optimize your appearance, how to perfect your posture, and the art of inviting eye contact. It will push you to embrace your sexuality and help you to realize that you have a lot to flaunt!

GLEEful Class


I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all broken out into an exaggerated broadway style dance to one of our favourite songs, and in this class that’s all you’re supposed to do! Learn some broadway moves to the soundtrack of Glee and get a cardio workout in the process. You’ll tone your whole body while learning a choreographed dance taken straight from the TV show.

Kama Sensual


Created just for women by Dr. Melissa Hershberg, this unique class uses isometric movements (exercises that look like you’re not moving at all) that work your inner and outer pelvic core to burn lower-body fat and, as an added bonus, boost your libidio. The 60-minute class also incorporates meditation to help you get in touch with your inner self. While being asked to “butterfly” (kegel) may feel a little awkward to some, every woman can learn something from a Kama class.

Pole Dancing


I have taken one of these classes, and let me tell you, it is not as easy as it looks! But not to worry, the instructors are sympathetic to newbies and make it really fun with easy-to-learn dance moves. This workout requires a TON of upper body strength and you’ll pretty much feel like a truck hit you the next morning, but it’s well worth it!

Ecstatic Dance


This is probably the most comfortable workout/dance class yet. You just enter the space and start dancing as crazy and freely as you want to! The only catch is you can’t talk. The idea is to move with the flow of the music; you get a half hour ‘warm-up’ to start, then it builds to an energetic peak, finally leaving you in a mellow, meditative state.













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