
Showing posts from February, 2016

Harvard Goes To The Himalayas – Monks With ‘Superhuman’ Abilities Show Scientists What We Can All Do collective-evolution

It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that humans have the capacity to gain extraordinary powers through various techniques. Some of these techniques, known as  siddhis in the yoga tradition (from the Sanskrit, meaning “perfection”), include meditation, static dancing, drumming, praying, fasting, psychedelics, and more. In Buddhism, for example, the existence of advanced powers is readily acknowledged; in fact, Buddha expected his disciples to be able to attain these abilities, but also to not become distracted by them. A Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies at the University of Michigan, Donald Lopez Jr., describes the many abilities ascribed to Buddha: With this enlightenment, he was believed to possess all manner of supernormal powers, including full knowledge of each of his own past lives and those of other beings, the ability to know others’ thoughts, the ability to create doubles of himself, the ability to rise into the air a...

How Wayne Dyer’s 10 Spiritual Principles Can Change Your Life collective-evolution

Wayne Dyer was an American philosopher, self-help author, and motivational speaker. The first book I ever read of Dyer’s was one lent to me called Your Erroneous Zones , one of the best-selling books of all time (estimated to be 35 million to date). It changed my perspective on the mind and allowed me to realize how many useless emotions humans are capable of feeling. It wasn’t too long after reading that book that Dyer passed away. Despite his passing, his wisdom and teachings will live on, so shout outs to my brother on the other side for his lifelong dedication of enlightening humanity to a higher way of being. 1. Have A Mind That Is Open To Everything & Attached To Nothing Our mind’s conditioning causes us to (if we aren’t open minded enough) attach to our beliefs, philosophies, perspectives, and patterns of thought. Our adoption, belief, and attachment to our mind reinforces a “worldview” which can, in most cases, prevent one from seeing and experiencing life in a new way,...

Blind Woman Regains Her Sight After A Controversial Stem Cell Treatment collective-evolution

Jeffrey N. Weiss, an American ophthalmologist, has been performing procedures that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for some time now. In fact, all he had to do was register his human trials with the US National Institutes of Health (which usually requires approval from the FDA). He was able to bypass the approval process because the procedure he was performing on patients had nothing to do with drugs. When a new drug is introduced claiming potential benefits to patients, it must face a rigorous approval process, although the many harmful drugs which still make their way onto the market would seem to belie this fact. Weiss has been extracting stem cells from the bone marrow of blind patients and injecting them into their retina and optic nerve. As a result, some of his previously blind patients have been regaining their eyesight. One of those patients is Vanna Belton from Baltimore, who recently underwent the procedure. The Baltimore...

8 Memorable Oscar Acceptance Speeches That Said More Than Just The Usual Thanks collective-evolution

On Sunday night, live from the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California, the 88th annual Academy Awards (The Oscars) were held and aired around the world. The 3+ hour award ceremony celebrated the year’s best in all facets of film, highlighted by the movie  Spotlight   —  the true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation in the Catholic church, which took home the award for Best Picture of 2015. While the program’s ratings hit an 8 year low, due in large part to the active boycott of the event for a lack of diversity amongst the year’s nominees, many still tuned in and witnessed Leonardo DiCaprio finally win an Oscar for best actor after numerous nominations. Well-known for his work as a global activist in addition to being a world-renowned actor, it only seemed fitting that Leo would use his long overdue acceptance speech to shed light on a matter he is passionate about. This inspired me to put together a list of 8 of the most memo...

Supposed Pictures Of Real Extraterrestrial Beings: Do You Think Some Would Look So Similiar To Us? collective-evolution

There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations . . . [and] it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers. – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee ( source ) You may be thinking that this is absolutely ridiculous. I know many people read the titles of articles like this one and turn their heads and scoff, immediately shutting down the possibility that these could be actual photos of extraterrestrial beings. Why do we hold onto our views so staunchly, at the expense of logic and reason? What prevents us from conside...

Leonardo DiCaprio Uses Oscar Win Speech To Call Out Corporate Greed. And He Has A Message For You collective-evolution

Leonardo DiCaprio was finally given an Oscar for his achievements in the film industry last night. It’s not secret that many believe he earned an Oscar well before his recent role in The Revenant, but now he’s given us even more to talk about than this well-deserved honour: his opinion about corporate greed and politics. I see Leo’s recent work in activism in the same way I see Bernie Sanders’ campaign for president: it doesn’t really matter what the motivation behind it is or what actions it inspires. What matters is the mere fact that people are being exposed to a new message. They are hearing something they need to hear and now is a crucial time for that. Amongst all the candidates whining, name calling, and bickering back and forth during their bid for presidency, Sanders sticks out as a real, down-to-earth, truth spitting individual. Even if you don’t agree with all of what he says or if you have been misled by the US’ bashing of ‘socialism,’ you have to admit tha...

Why There Is No Such Thing As A Hopeless Cancer Case collective-evolution

I believe there is a cure to every disease, even if the disease we are talking about is cancer. When someone is diagnosed with cancer, their minds are flooded with a rush of feelings and emotions. They may feel discouraged because they know nothing about cancer. They may feel confused because they don’t know what treatment suits them. Others feel frustrated because they don’t know how to find a clinic that will provide the best treatment promptly. The truth is, none of these feelings are necessary. As a matter of fact, you should remain calm and know it will all be well.  As a doctor, I have spent many years and resources to research and find how natural substances influence the occurrence and treatment of cancer. With an immense database of scientific data, I shared my skills with other doctors in Germany and most clinics have adopted my hyperthermia protocols as standard procedures for cancer treatment. With all the data I have gathered, I would like to let you know ...

When You Buy Clothes You Can Help Plant Trees & Feed Starving Children collective-evolution

Have you ever stopped to think about just how much money is spent on advertising? I bet the answer would surprise you. In the U.S. alone,  over 100 Billion dollars  is spent on advertising each year, and that number is increasing. I don’t know about you, but that seems like an epic waste of money to me — especially when you consider that there are a lot more important things going on in the world which could benefit from that kind of funding. Yes, advertising does serve a purpose (though more often than not, that purpose is to convince you to buy things that you don’t even really need), since sometimes it can be used to call your attention to things that are important and do matter. More and more people are starting to see through this façade and are beginning to make smarter, more conscious decisions about where they choose to spend their money and what type of companies they support. If this sounds like you, then you are going to love what thi...

This Woman Grew up Raising Gorillas. Their Reunion 12 Years Later Will Touch Your Heart

Most of you are probably familiar with the warm feeling of reuniting with family members or old friends you haven’t seen for a while. But what happens when you see an animal that was your childhood companion a dozen of years ago? Most likely, a cat or a dog wouldn’t recognize you after so many years. However, it seems that apes are more similar to humans in this matter. To see for yourself, read how a woman reunited with gorillas she knew as a child. Tansy Aspinall grew up helping with activities of her family’s charity, The Aspinall Foundation , a nonprofit organization which aims to rehabilitate gorillas that had been in captivity at Howletts Wild Animal Park in southern England. The main goal of the UK-based nonprofit is to release the gorillas into their natural environment in West Africa. In her interview with Evening Standard , Tansy said that during her childhood years, she had a very personal relationship with the gorillas who were in captivity – they used to play and have f...

Mandalas – Color Guides to Spiritualism and Healing

Snowflakes are very difficult to study. They melt as soon as they come into contact with the human hand. Scientists have studied them, however, and that is why we have knowledge about the intricacies of their designs. They are also but one manifestation of mandalas in nature. Flowers are also mandalas. With this in mind, it is important to understand the broader meaning of mandalas, for they are far more than just an attractive geometric design. History of Mandalas Spiritualists use mandalas during meditation. By focusing on the circle, with no beginning or end, a meditation can take an individual within and enhance spiritual energy . The intricacies and symmetry of the design remind us that the Universe has many facets but that all of those facets exist in perfect harmony. It is when we get out of harmony with the Universe that the race world of discord and strife enters in. Contemplating the mandala during meditation reminds us that the real world is not the race world. Mandalas ...

15 Brilliant Test Answers From Smartass Kids collective-evolution

As adults, we are constantly in awe of children and their abilities. Deep in the process of learning, they are thrown into trying a variety of disciples, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. But when they say something that seems so mature and witty, we almost can’t believe it. Perhaps it’s because we don’t expect them to be able to have such deep thoughts, but what we often forget is that their cleverness is a result of their brains being able to soak up information like a sponge. By now it’s common thought that our education is in need of deep reform, and thankfully there are many organizations working to do that. Teaching kids things like meditation, mindfulness, embracing creativity and having a less rigid system of “building a worker” is all coming to educational institutions around the world. Perhaps kids like Logan LaPlante  even helped inspire changes. Nonetheless, here are 15 amazing examples of just how beautifully brilliant a child’s mind can be: 1. Why b...

Astronomers Just Released A New, 187-Million-Pixel Map of the Milky Way physics-astronomy

European Southern Observatory (ESO) has revealed the most comprehensive image of the Milky Way to mark the completion of the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy ( ATLASGAL ). The recent achievement of the team gives us the most detailed view of the galaxy and is four times larger than any other image of galaxy. This image was captured by the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope (APEX), located in Chile’s Atacama region on the Chajnantor Plateau, 5,100 meters above the sea level. The new ATLASGAL maps cover an area of sky 140 degrees long and 3 degrees wide. Image Credit: ESO/APEX/ATLASGAL This survey is the first to capture the Galactic Plane, including most of the regions of star formation in the Milky Way Galaxy that allowed the scientists to visualize gas and dust clouds with temperatures just above absolute zero. Erin Blakemore says “Cooled to just a fraction above absolute zero, the camera detects tiny emissions from bands of dark gas and dust that c...

20 Incredibly Fun Workout Classes collective-evolution

I think it’s safe to say that if you want to live a long and healthy life, regular exercise is a must. In 2013, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveyed 450,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, asking them how often and for how long they engage in aerobic physical activity outside of their jobs. The survey concluded that 80 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise  — a lifestyle which can lead to a number of health issues, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It’s no secret that for most of us, exercising can often feel like a chore (or a bore), but thankfully there are some workouts that not only help you to get your blood pumping, but are also extremely fun! Thriller/Sorry Dance Class When I was younger I loved to dance and make dance routines with my friends or copy the moves I enjoyed from music videos, and it was always a fun way to be creative and extremely active. Danci...