This Video Is Taking The Internet By Storm Right Now, It Will Make You Question Everything collective-evolution

In the eye-opening video posted below, a spoken word piece is performed, a variety of different speakers are included, including people of various racial and cultural backgrounds. This video makes an important point; WE are NOT what we LOOK LIKE. There is more to who each of us is than our appearance, and underneath our appearance we are actually all very similar! So when we judge someone based on their looks, we often miss out on that incredible being that is inside that body, it really doesn’t make sense.

It reminds me of when I first moved to Toronto, I came from a very small town in Northern British Columbia (North Western Canada) where there is very little culture. I started working as a server at an Italian restaurant and was introduced to several Sri Lankan and Indian cooks in the kitchen. I remember thinking I’ll never remember their names and I likely won’t have anything in common with them anyways. It wasn’t that I was racist, I just had gone my whole life not being exposed to other races or cultures at all and I just assumed they were very different from me. As I got to know them, I realized we were all very similar and it was just their appearance and my perceptions that made me initially think I couldn’t relate. I had some great times with those guys and definitely knew them all by name within just a few weeks of working there.

Check Out The Video

Like the video says, when we judge someone based on his or her race we are subconsciously separating ourselves from them because they are “different.” It seems quite ridiculous when it’s put that way doesn’t it? Because of something as simple as this separation, based solely on labels, there are wars. We kill each other over this! Prince EA is definitely on to something here. Especially when you consider the media’s influence in keeping us separated and placing hate and blame on many other races and religions.

When you realize that these are just labels, that we as society have made up for each and every one of us, doesn’t it make you think that maybe there are alternate reasons for the crisis’ that we are facing in the world today? Maybe the labels are just a cover because we have been convinced for so long that we are all separate from each other.

“We were meant to be free and only until we remove them all, and stop living and thinking so small will we be free to see ourselves and each other for who we truly are.”

Join the discussion! What do you think? Is there more to this? Are we actually all that different, or is it just our appearance? Please comment your thoughts below.

Much Love


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