“Dairy Is F**king Scary” – The Truth About Milk Explained In 5 Minutes collective-evolution

We’ve said it before and we will say it again: the way we treat animals on this planet is truly heartbreaking. It may seem easier to simply turn a blind eye to the horrors being enacted upon these creatures, but ignorance is never the answer. When it comes to raising animals for slaughter — something that happens to billions of animals every single year — the word ‘terrifying’ is an understatement. Most people don’t even want to know about the conditions in which their meat is raised, but it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to stay informed. Shedding more light on our modern day food industry can help change this system and encourage others to seek healthier and more environmentally friendly options.

Below is a video done by Erin Janus, an animal and environmental activist who is raising awareness on multiple issues. In her video she brings up some great points about the modern day dairy industry, and below the video you will find even more little-known facts about milk and its production.


Does milk really do a body good? Science is currently examining that question now more than ever before. Not much time has passed since human beings started to pasteurize their milk, and since then, research has shown that feeding cow’s milk to human infants, as well as adults, might not be the healthiest thing.

For example, a giant study that was published in the British Medical Journal a couple of years ago made some noise after researchers concluded that a high intake of milk from a cow was associated with higher mortality in both women and men. Although they mention that a cautious interpretation of the results is recommended, the study also concluded that milk consumption is associated with men and women being more prone to bone fractures. (source)

In a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, Harvard pediatrician David Ludwig emphasizes that bone fracture rates tend to be lower in countries that do not consume milk compared to those that do. He also notes that there are many other, more viable sources of calcium available in the plant kingdom. (source)

Another study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, showed that dairy consumption might actually increase the risk of fractures by 50 percent. (source)

Studies have also shown that calcium isn’t as bone protective as we thought. Multiple studies on calcium supplementation have shown no benefit in reducing bone fracture risk. In fact, vitamin D appears to be far more effective when it comes to reducing bone fracture risk. (source)

Studies have also shown that dairy products might increase a male’s risk of developing prostate cancer by 30 -50 percent. (source)

Most of us drink milk for the calcium, forgetting that there are many other sources of calcium available to us, such as kale, oranges, chickpeas, quinoa, seeds, hemp, beans, and many more.

The list of possible health concerns associated with consuming pasteurized cow’s milk is lengthy, to be sure. That being said, scientists have not reached a general consensus that milk is actually bad for you. But have they agreed that it’s good for you? Which foods are considered healthy and what humans should be eating (and how much of it) has been dictated by the food industry, and they are the ones paying for children’s nutritional education. Something to think about…

Lactose Intolerant? 

Did you know that approximately 65 to 75 percent of the total human population on our planet has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy? In fact, in some countries, over 90 percent of the adult population is lactose intolerant. If you didn’t know, lactose intolerance is an impaired ability to digest lactose, the sugar commonly found in milk and other dairy products. (source)(source)

We are specifically talking about a cow’s milk here. Why are we the only animal that continues to drink milk after weaning, and why are we the only animal that drinks the milk of another species?

Lactase persistence in humans has only evolved as an adaptation to the consumption of non-human milk and dairy products beyond infancy. Every other species weans and then never drinks milk again for the rest of their lives, because they don’t have an enzyme to break down the sugar in milk.

Here is a great lecture of Katherine S. Pollar, a PhD at the University of California, San Fransisco. In it she goes into more detail about lactose intolerance.

Animal Agriculture

Did you know that in 2006 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization issued a report stating that the livestock business generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined? Did you know that 51 percent or more, according to PETA and other sources, of global greenhouse gas emissions are the result of animal agriculture? (source)(source)(source)(source)

There are some sources that cite that the UN report only found an 18 percent contribution. Even if it is less than 50 percent, the fact that it has not been mentioned is strange, to say the least.

Regardless of what the number is, we know it is a big contributor that nobody seems willing to talk about.

You can read more about these facts in THIS article we published last month.


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