
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Oldest Language On The Planet Is About To Go Extinct: We Need Your Help collective-evolution

“A nation without language is voice-less and useless… Other people have their own languages. Why must my language be allowed to die? It must go on. As long as there are people, the language must go on.” –  Ouma Katrina The KhoiSan people of South Africa are calling for our help with a project that aims to preserve their language and culture. They need us. Their story is one of many examples of the atrocities Earth’s indigenous peoples have been made to suffer; they were the victims of a horrific genocide at the hands of colonists who also robbed them of their culture, traditions, language, and way of life. They’ve also suffered from corporate takeover, losing access to their own lands and then watching helplessly as they were destroyed. Since the Apartheid ended in 1994, the KhoiSan people have been demanding that their rights of culture, language, way of life, and lands be returned to them. Today, after suffering through all of these atrocities and the heartb...

The White Man in That Photo

Sometimes photographs deceive. Take this one, for example. It represents John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s rebellious gesture the day they won medals for the 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, and it certainly deceived me for a long time. By:  Riccardo Gazzaniga , Sometimes photographs deceive. Take this one, for example. It represents John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s rebellious gesture the day they won medals for the 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, and it certainly deceived me for a long time. I always saw the photo as a powerful image of two barefoot black men, with their heads bowed, their black-gloved fists in the air while the US National Anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” played. It was a strong symbolic gesture – taking a stand for African American civil rights in a year of tragedies that included the death of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. It’s a historic photo of two men of color. For this reason I never ...

Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal

This Experiment Proves Why Staying In Tune With The Earth’s Pulse Is Key To Our Wellbeing collective-evolution

Have you ever felt disconnected from the earth? Interesting question to ponder, and while some of us feel that in some sense we become disconnected when we spend too much time indoors or on technological devices, the truth is, we don’t disconnect from the earth and its natural rhythms entirely, cause if we did, you would notice it big time. That isn’t to say there isn’t huge benefit in being in nature, putting down your phone or even practicing some like earthing , instead, I’m saying there is a deeper connection we all have to this planet that we may not be aware of. The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life. “Omne vivum ex vivo – all life is from life” In 1952 German physicist Professor W.O.Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the eart...

“Dairy Is F**king Scary” – The Truth About Milk Explained In 5 Minutes collective-evolution

We’ve said it before and we will say it again: the way we treat animals on this planet is truly heartbreaking. It may seem easier to simply turn a blind eye to the horrors being enacted upon these creatures, but ignorance is never the answer. When it comes to raising animals for slaughter — something that happens to billions of animals every single year — the word ‘terrifying’ is an understatement. Most people don’t even want to know about the conditions in which their meat is raised, but it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to stay informed. Shedding more light on our modern day food industry can help change this system and encourage others to seek healthier and more environmentally friendly options. Below is a video done by Erin Janus , an animal and environmental activist who is raising awareness on multiple issues. In her video she brings up some great points about the modern day dairy industry, and below the video you will find even more li...

Create A Deeper Level Of Consciousness For Growth & Fulfilment truththeory

by Luke Miller Truth Theory Consciousness is the mysterious driving force behind your mind, body and soul. In short it is an awareness, but to just call it an awareness would be not giving it the full respect it deserves, because while all levels of consciousness do include an awareness, that awareness is not always going to be an awareness within the realms of 3 dimensional thinking. Some of it is internal awareness, some external awareness and some of it is an awareness that cannot be quantified with words. In this article I want to talk about raising that awareness or consciousness for personal growth and fulfilment. Searching A big part of the spiritual journey is that of searching. If you think you have all the answers then you are not looking deeply enough. You have to search for the right questions, then search for the right answers to those questions. The reason the spiritual path is so scattered with search is because when you expand your mind and find answers it usually...

Australia’s Powerful Web Of Grassroots Climate Resistance truththeory

Viv Malo, a Gooniyandi woman from First Nations Liberation, speaks at the Flood the System action in Melbourne earlier this month. (Flickr / Direct Action Melbourne)by Nicola Paris by Nicola Paris I’ve long been fascinated by spider webs, and their potential for movement metaphor. One thread can seem so flimsy and insignificant, but bound together, and woven with care, it can create structures capable of holding immense weight. We might not all be linked directly, but through different strands and nodes we are all inevitably connected — and vibrations from one small piece can be felt across the web. Also, you can punch a big bloody hole through it, and it can still survive. The web of resistance that Direct Action Melbourne wove with our Flood the System action earlier this month was better than I imagined, as glorious chaos and decentralized organizing allowed it to become a vision that everyone owned. I had an idea for an action. To find multiple sites in the city, where we co...

“Miracle” Golden Rice Could Cause Birth Defects, Warns Indian Scientist truththeory

by Julie Fidler Scientists in Bangladesh are preparing to conduct field tests of Golden Rice , the world’s first genetically engineered, vitamin A-enriched rice, before putting into production . The crop is being touted as one answer to the problem of micronutrient deficiencies around the world, but an Indian scientist (among others) is warning that Golden Rice poses a serious threat to human health. [1] According to the Golden Rice Project, vitamin A deficiency is prevalent among the poor whose diets are primarily composed of rice and other carbohydrate-rich foods containing too few micronutrients. The situation is especially dire in Southeast Asia and Africa. About 250 million preschool children are affected by vitamin A deficiency (VAD). The group says that providing children with vitamin A could prevent about a third of all under-5 deaths . Enter, Golden Rice . The Golden Rice Project writes on its website: “Rice containing provitamin A could substantially reduce the probl...

Global Hunger And Undernutrition Could End By 2025 truththeory

by Thalif Deen The United Nations aims to help eliminate hunger and undernutrition – described as two of “greatest scourges” facing humankind — by the year 2030. But the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has launched an ambitious new initiative to help end global hunger by 2025 – five years ahead of the UN target. IFPRI believes that its initiative, dubbed Compact2025 , can help end global hunger by 2025 if countries replicate strategies that worked in places such as China, Brazil, and Thailand, where huge strides have been made toward reducing hunger. “We can eliminate both hunger and undernutrition, and we can do so by 2025—which will also help end extreme poverty and will contribute to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals,” says IFPRI. But there are significant knowledge gaps related to eliminating hunger and undernutrition that must first be filled for effective and cost-efficient action, IFPRI said. Compact2025 is described as...

This Is What Science Says About The Idea Of Soulmates collective-evolution

I’ve never really looked at the word “soulmate” and taken it into consideration in real life. It seems a fantastical term that can only be understood, in my world, as a word to describe just how magically strong the connection between two people is. I know for a fact it wasn’t love at first sight when I met my other half. He didn’t see me from across the room and think that I was the one, nor did I view him as anything else other than an adorable human whose eyes drew me closer, my feet uncontrollably walking his way. We were both attracted to each other, and as time unfolded, we found out that attraction was much deeper than met the eye. Soulmates, to me, are meant for movies, music, poetry, and novels. It’s an age-old concept that dates back to ancient Greek times ; in his Symposium, Plato wrote about a theory that humans initially came with four arms, four legs, and one head with two faces. Zeus, intimidated by this, split the body in half, which caused them to spend their...

Historic Failure? 5 Takeaways From The COP21 Paris Climate Talks collective-evolution

Imagine a tantalizing spiral of some of the driest talk you have ever heard — a combination of watching CSPAN mixed with paint drying, all the while the world is hoping for a serious climate plan to unfold… I think thats a fairly accurate description of how this year’s Paris Climate talks felt to me over the 2 weeks I was personally in Paris. Truthfully, the amount of lawyers, red tape, cautious commitments, and spinning in circles was enough to make me sick, but I guess this is to be expected when 195 countries have to find some kind of common ground. Unfortunately there was also a strong resemblance between the COP21 talks and a dog and pony show. Generally pompous people parading around the ‘amazing’ things their countries have done that vaguely resemble green initiatives, all the while smiling graciously for the cameras and offering up headline worthy soundbites for their local news stations to broadcast back at home, mixed with some of the most mundane...

These Intricate Tibetan Sand Mandalas Take Weeks to Create Only To Be Destroyed Shortly After

Sand Mandalas are a Tibetan Buddhist tradition where the monk will spend weeks creating the design out of colored sand and then destroy the masterful and intricate work of art. The Mandalas are dismantled in a special ritual ceremony once they are completed and people have had a chance to view the unique work of art. Breaking it down once the mandala is finished demonstrates a beautiful Buddhist doctrinal belief about the transitionary nature of our mortal lives. On a symbolic level, it shows us how we design and build beauty in our lives and then when we are done our energy returns into the earth. The ancient tradition dictates that the mandala be created from crushed colored stone instead of dyed sand. However in modern times plain white stones are ground down into powder and dyed with various vibrant inks in order to achieve the same effect visually. Before the monks lay down the sand they will measure out the designs using sacred geometry and specialized measurements. Sma...

The 15 Most Read Stories Of 2015 collective-evolution

It is truly a sign of collective consciousness when you begin to look at the data that explores what content our readers were most interested in over the past year. It’s inspiring to see some of the stories that made this list, it’s also interesting just to note what type of content our reader base were drawn to the most. If you had asked any one of us on the team we would have been able to hand-pick stories we knew were really hot and were seen by and talked about by millions, but some of the stories that made this list took us by surprise. It has been an amazing year with tons of great content, and so much has taken place that reveals the collective evolution that’s happening across humanity. Thanks for an awesome year and here’s to an amazing 2016. Without further adieu, here are the 15 most viral stories we published in 2015 for your reading pleasure. If you have any favorite stories that didn’t make this list, let us know in the comments! We’d love to know what they were! ...