PHOTOS: These Edgy Ads Expose The Hypocrisy Of The Corporate Sponsors For The UN Climate Change Conference collective-evolution

Today, November 30th, marked the beginning of the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference which is being held in Le Bourget, a suburb of Paris, France. The annual event brings together prominent members from around the world to discuss possible solutions to the ever-present climate change issue that, by this point, is weighing heavily on many of our minds.

The goal of this year’s event, running from November 30th to December 11th, is to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate action from all nations of the world. Rather than discussing the agenda of this get together, however, I’d like to focus instead on a very clever guerrilla marketing campaign that has broken out in protest of the corporate sponsors of this annual pow-wow.

A group that goes by the name of Brandalism and claims to be an “unofficial partner” of the Paris talks has installed more than 600 artworks which portray the hypocrisy of a number of the event’s corporate sponsors — sponsors which include, but are not limited to: AirFrance, Volkswagen, Shell, and Mobil.

The artwork truly speaks for itself, so here are a number of their pieces for you to go through.








To see more of the 600 pieces, I encourage you to visit the official website of Brandalism, which also offers more in-depth information on their motives and intention.

I personally am a huge fan of guerrilla marketing campaigns and the incredible impact they can have, both on those who get to experience them in person, and also those who experience them vicariously through the juggernaut that is social media. They are truly unavoidable and, as with this particular series, they often effectively deliver some strong social commentary and generate much-needed critical thinking as a result.

What are your thoughts on this series of artworks? Do you feel that they are insensitive? Or do you agree with the message that they offer? Let us know via the comment section below.



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