Man Paints 5,500 Portraits of Dogs To Help Save Our 4-Legged Friends

Artist Mark Barone has painted 5,500 portraits of dogs as a way to help save future dogs from being euthanized. 5,500 is the number of dogs that are estimated to be euthanized every day in shelters.

The charity: An Act of Dog. The mission: “Art to stir the conscience of our nation for the emergence of a compassionate generation.”

Mark and his partner Marina will be using 100% of the funds generated from the 5,500 portraits to help fund over 100 animal rescue groups/animal welfare organizations in all 50 states.

The next step in their mission is to create a “Museum of Compassion.” This will feature the 5,500 12″x12″ portraits and will be referred to as the “Wall of Compassion.” Another 11, 8′x8′ portraits will be displayed throughout the museum as well.

This “Museum of Compassion” will also serve as a learning and educational space which will include conferences, talks, musical performances and will be a hub for social change through art and empathic, compassionate activism.

Below is a short video about An Act of Dog.

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