9 Things You Never Thanked Your Best Friends For, But Meant To collective-evolution

I never really liked the idea of having “a best friend.” There are many people in your life that are very important to you and many times those people change throughout different times in your life. But nonetheless, having “best friends” is important because these are the people who you learn a lot from, who are there to support you in tough times and who make life rich, even in the most simple of situations.

You know what I mean, those times when you are together, waiting for a bus to come. That bus is late and instead of getting frustrated you find yourself talking, laughing and having a good time together because the bus being late really doesn’t mean much when you’re with someone you love and can feel that.

Let’s reflect on those times when we may or may not have thanked our best friends for what they did for us so we can remember how important they truly are to us.

The times when you needed hard advice and they gave you the truth as opposed to what you might have wanted to hear. 

Oh the value that exists in hearing the truth vs simply just hearing what will prolong a bad habit, tough situation and so forth. So often in today’s culture we love to gossip, choose sides, judge other people and determine what’s right and wrong in opinionated situations. A true friend doesn’t just tell you what you want to hear, they give it to you straight, remain detached and non judgmental and help you see the bigger picture.

When you are in a rut and you go on and on about it while they listen lovingly and you don’t even ask how they are doing.

It takes patience in friendships. At different times we go through tough experiences and in those times we want to talk about it! Sometimes we rant about it and can go on and on forever. It takes a special person to sit, listen and allow you to come to a clear state about what you are going through without getting upset that you haven’t even asked how they might be doing.

For teaching you great things that helped you in your own life.

Sometimes we forget how much our friends can teach us. We see them inspire us, learn new things and as they live their life, we are learning right along with them. We often don’t see the direct benefit we get as we are simply along for the ride observing what appears to be someone else’s life, but we’re tied right in and it can be just as much learning for us as it is for them.

Those times when everyone else might be judging you, but they stayed clear headed and unconditional.

Sometimes we do things that aren’t the greatest, other times we do things that are great but that others simply don’t accept. Whatever the scenario, often times your best friends are there, supporting you in the right way no matter what. Sure, if you did something “wrong” they will tell you the blunt truth, but they won’t abandon you for it. They are also often the ones who stick with you even when you are challenging the rest of the world in the best possible way.

When they are patient with you through your journey’s of learning and understanding new things.

How often have we learned something new about ourselves, the world, spirituality etc, and at the beginning we are very excited about it, may go off on serious tangents during conversation only to eventually change and learn that we strayed a little too far down one path before coming to a true deeper understanding. Our best friends were there listening, understanding and being there to allow you to go on your journey without telling you that you were doing anything wrong. They understood the journey and let you learn what you needed to.

The times when you had conflict and yet stuck together.

How many times have we had conflict or really tough experiences with our friends and you think “wow this gonna be it” only to get stronger afterwards and be even closer. We sometimes don’t thank those people for the lessons learned in going through those tough times being upset, angry or mad at each other. We tend to look at those as “rough patches” or simply drama, when in reality they are the exact experiences we need to grow and that person was the ingredient necessary to make it all happen.

Letting you get into that relationship that probably wasn’t “good” for you.

Oh here’s the beauty, was that relationship good for you? Of course it was! You learned something out of it and your best friend let you because they weren’t in your ear talking about what is so wrong about the situation. It takes someone open and aware to let you be in something with someone and learn without trying to interfere and control the situation.

For helping to “cover” for you when you needed to lie to your parents about a fun time.

Lie to your parents? Are you crazy? There are times when we have too, simply because sometimes people don’t understand they are being too protective. Your best friend has also seen that and joined in with you to help you have that experience you really wanted to be part of. Whether it was going on a road trip, a late night out with friends or breaking into abandon houses because you wanted to have a creepy experience.. either way, they were there.

When their things are like your things.

Whether you go into their house, use their stuff or share their food, how many times has your best friend not seen a separation between their stuff and yours? Whether you forgot to put things away properly after or when they let you have some of their favorite thing, they went along for the ride and didn’t make a big deal out of it.

We all have people we might consider best friends, some will be there till the end while others might come and go. Either way, we learn so much from them and we sometimes forget to be grateful for it. This article was a way to not only reflect on that but to get into a space of being grateful for all the experiences we have together. Share this with someone you feel you want to thank.




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