
Showing posts from October, 2015

When Your Children Complain About What They Get For Christmas – Show Them This Video collective-evolution

Below is a video of children in Burundi, a region located in East Africa. It is a place (out of many in Africa) that has been plagued by conflict, genocide, and poverty. It made me think about the contrast we see between ‘developing’ nations and ‘developed nations.’ It also made me think on how most of us don’t realize that all of our material wants we enjoy here are at the expense of countries like this, many of which have been exploited and ruined for their material and human resources. It also made me think of poverty in general, and how developed nations are throwing away and wasting food that could feed the entire planet seven times over. Furthermore, it made me think of the fact that the money the United States spends on war every year could completely erase poverty worldwide. Instead of creating GMOs (which aren’t working and proving to be harmful), why don’t we just put an end to war? After all, we have people in power that are seem to be purposefully perpetuating war under fa...

The Huge "Asteroid" Set To Fly Past Earth Today Is Actually A Dead Comet - And It Looks Just Like A Skull! physics-astronomy

Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11? collective-evolution

11:11 make a wish! I’m sure you remember this saying, and maybe you still say it today. It is the only time of the day (using the 12 hour clock) that all the numbers on the clock are the same. Where does this saying come from? Should you even bother to make a wish? What makes this time so important and what is the significance of 11:11? The Phenomenon It seems everyone today is talking about seeing 11:11 everywhere. In fact, in the popular movie I Origins , the concept comes up yet again. A highly scientific guy begins seeing 11:11 in many places and is guided to follow the numbers until he eventually meets a highly spiritual girl and there personalities collide. It’s a fascinating film about reincarnation and it truly makes the view think. But back to 11:11! Why are so many of us seeing this right now. Is it a biological thing where our bodies get in the habit of looking at a clock during this time? If so, what about when we randomly keep seeing it even on clocks that are out of sy...

How You Can Prolong Your Life & Prevent Disease With Conscious Breathing collective-evolution

Breathing is an unconscious yet ever so vital part of daily life. Very few of us take the time to consider our own breathing patterns. Even physicians in allopathic medicine, me included, pay little attention to respiratory rate unless it is affecting our pH levels or mental status. Our respiratory rate is determined by how many breaths we take in one minute. Increasing our respiratory rates is a natural response to stress and anxiety. This increases our oxygen while decreasing carbon dioxide in preparation for an emergency escape from something like a wild animal, per se. Evolutionarily speaking, hyperventilation is an important life saving feature for us because we need more oxygen when running! Unfortunately, in today’s undue stress, many people now breathe 15-20 times/minute rather than the normal 8-12 breaths/minute that is recorded in medical literature. This is unnatural and if continued chronically, can change our pH as well as internal cellular activities. Scientifically...

Are You Always Fighting Fires? It’s Time For You To Take Control collective-evolution

Whether or not you’ve considered it in these terms before, there is a sweet spot that you have inadvertently been striving your whole life to attain! Chances are if you are reading this on Collective Evolution, you are a progressive thinker, socially conscious, not just interested in your well being but that of the environment, the planet and its vast spectrum of inhabitants. You might be working consciously on your personal development and feel strongly about lending your voice, expertise, energy, resources and time to various worthy causes. But did you know, that right now, within you, there is an even greater way you can hugely multiply your impact while you are here in the world?! What is YOUR sweet spot? Your sweet spot is the place in which you are in maximum alignment with both your inner and outer worlds. It is the place within where you know yourself, the importance of your sacred message and contribution to the world and your inherent value and worth. It is the place witho...

Mothers: You Are Changing The World! Here’s How collective-evolution

What are the ingredients for a revolution? Such a recipe can be combined together in many different ways. History has continually shown that real change that truly educates and empowers everyday people rarely comes from central governments and corporations. There is nothing more dedicated and pure on this planet than a mother’s love for her child. This timeless maternal instinct has given birth to a true revolution unlike anything witnessed in modern times. Moms Know Best Children are being damaged by vaccines; this is a fact . Trusting mothers have become activated by a deep desire to rescue their children from a system that has let them down , despite government regulatory agencies that are asleep at the wheel and failing to protect the health of our children. In the face of a mainstream medical community that has lost sight of its ethics and independent thinking, mothers have united through love in a common goal to provide answers for their children when the medical, legal, a...

If Our Universe Is So Old & Vast, Then Where Are All The Aliens? collective-evolution

Where are they?! With such a huge and giant space our world is part of, there is bound to be life somewhere else. Yes, there is plenty of information out these that suggest it’s much more than likely we have many intelligent neighbors close by, but we just haven’t had much interaction with them publicly  for this to be not only common knowledge but even believed by enough people. There are many people, including myself, who have researched this topic for a number of years and even have met and spoke with people who claim to have been in contact, sat at tables with ET’s and or been abducted by them. To some, this seems like crazy talk, while to others, they hear it, connect with it and understand it like it’s common knowledge. Why is that? Nonetheless, we are still officially in search for extra terrestrial life, even though I believe we have already found it many times, but enough about my beliefs for a second! My friend over at has not only released a new webs...

Video: The Most Important Thing To Remember Before Getting Into A Relationship collective-evolution

“The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.”  -Neale Donald Walsch Another video made by Prince Ea is making its way around the internet regarding relationships, and he makes some great points that resonated with me. One of the main ones being the fact that you have to love yourself, before you can love anybody else. “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” –  Thich Nhat Hanh A lot of the time, I see many say “it’s good to be in a relationship,” or watch them continuously search for Mr or Mrs right because they feel lonely, or incomplete. I believe that if you are looking to fill a void via a relationship, you’re just asking for trouble. Sure, a relationship may provide you temporary happiness, but eventually, that empty feeling inside of you can only be filled by yourself. If we are to love, we should love when we are ready, not because we feel alon...

Did Cannabis Help Jesus Perform Miracles? truththeory

by Luke Miller, contributor The cannabis culture has now hit the mainstream and while some are using it as a means of escape from reality, […]

Scientists May Have Discovered A Parallel Universe: Mystery Bright Spots Could Be First Glimpse Of Another Universe physics-astronomy

Does Crest Toothpaste Contain Plastic? collective-evolution

Back in August of 2013, I wrote an article on my site about microbead pollution (1) and shared some of the various products you can find microbeads in such as nail art, soap, body wash, face scrubs and toothpaste. So I wasn’t too surprised to read an article by Trish Walraven, a Dental Hygienist in Texas regarding this very problem. Trish began noticing many of her patients had blue green specs below their gum line. After speaking with other hygienists and talking with patients a common denominator was revealed…..Crest toothpaste. (2) If you use Crest toothpaste, you may be surprised to learn that those blue specks are actually pieces of plastic. That’s right polyethylene is clearly listed as a label ingredient. Polyethylene is the most commonly used plastic in the world. Used in everything from garbage containers, grocery bags, plastic bottles and containers to bulletproof vests and knee replacements. (3) Polyethylene isn’t biodegradable, it simply breaks down into smaller pieces. S...

9 Things You Never Thanked Your Best Friends For, But Meant To collective-evolution

I never really liked the idea of having “a best friend.” There are many people in your life that are very important to you and many times those people change throughout different times in your life. But nonetheless, having “best friends” is important because these are the people who you learn a lot from, who are there to support you in tough times and who make life rich, even in the most simple of situations. You know what I mean, those times when you are together, waiting for a bus to come. That bus is late and instead of getting frustrated you find yourself talking, laughing and having a good time together because the bus being late really doesn’t mean much when you’re with someone you love and can feel that. Let’s reflect on those times when we may or may not have thanked our best friends for what they did for us so we can remember how important they truly are to us. The times when you needed hard advice and they gave you the truth as opposed to what you might have wanted to ...

Russia just announced that it's sending humans to the moon physics-astronomy

Russia Plans to Send Humans to the Moon by 2029

Russia has just made an exciting announcement: Roscosmos, the country’s space agency, plans to launch a manned mission to the Moon in the next decade. “ A manned flight to the Moon and lunar landing is planned for 2029 ,” head of Roscosmos Energia Vladimir Solntsev announced at a space and technology conference which took place in Moscow this Tuesday. However, at the moment, we only know a few details about this ambitious plan. It’s only known that Russia is building a new spacecraft for the mission, and its first scheduled flight is planned for 2021. Then, the uncrewed version of the spacecraft will be sent to the Moon in 2025, before it can finally take astronauts there four years later. Russia’s Collaboration with Europe Most probably, Russia will collaborate with the European Space Agency (ESA). In fact, the ESA and Roscosmos have been discussing the possibility to launch a joint mission to the Moon’s south pole , BBC News reported earlier this month. The final decision on...

Not Just Brain To Body: Researchers Discover That The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain collective-evolution

A group of prestigious and internationally recognized leaders in physics, biophysics, astrophysics, education, mathematics, engineering, cardiology, biofeedback and psychology (among other disciplines) have been doing some brilliant work over at the Institute of HeartMath . The Institute of HeartMath is a (well recognized) non-profit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and understand something that is commonly overlooked in mainstream biology: the intelligence of the heart and its effect on the brain. A large portion of their research dives into heart and brain interaction, how they communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a different message, and because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, the institute has been able to gather a sig...

Why Having Sex Can Be Important During Difficult Times collective-evolution

When the proverbial hits the fan, it’s easy to let go of the intimacy and connection in your romantic relationship, letting sex fall to the wayside. That’s silly really, because sex is the cheapest and best tool you have available to help you ride out the current storms you’re facing in life. Sex Reduces Stress Apart from giving you cardiovascular exercise which can lead to endorphin releases, sex releases other feel good chemicals into your body that help you feel happier and lighter and function more effectively. Regular sex will have you feeling lighter and happier, and most likely less prone to depression and mood swings. Sex Is Something To Do & Look Forward To You know how we joke about big families not having a TV? Well sex is actually pretty great entertainment – if you can remember that far back. Once you get into a regular sexual rhythm with your partner, you’ll find yourself being more adventurous and open, and that excitement will add a major positive boost to al...

Essential Oils Might Be The New Antibiotics collective-evolution

Essential oils are nothing new as they can be dated back to the Ancient Egyptians who were using them thousands of years ago as part of the mummification process. They also used aromatic oils in ancient Greece, Rome, China and India for a variety of purposes. Today, essential oils are coming back—in a big way. Much research has been done to show the many positive effects essential oils can have on our health, and it seems as though they hold the potential to help us in some fascinating ways. Fixing The Problem, Not The Symptom Your immune system faces millions of germ, bacteria, viral and parasitic invasions in your lifetime. Every time you touch a door handle, rub your eyes or touch your mouth you are exposed to a ton of pathogens. Your immune system is like a protective barrier that detects and disposes of harmful pathogens every minute of every day. If your immune system is not running at its best, you’ll find that you catch a lot of colds and develop allergies. When we’re in th...

Scientists Discover A Seaweed That Tastes Just Like Bacon collective-evolution

Researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) have recently patented a strain of red marine algae; it’s called dulse. It grows very quickly and is jam packed full of protein, but that’s not even close to the most exciting part about it. This seaweed, when cooked, tastes like bacon! Vegans rejoice! Meat-eaters should be happy about this as well, as it is a much healthier alternative to that beloved taste. Some scientists are even going as far as to call it “God’s Vegetable.” This seaweed grows in the wild along the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines. In dried form it is sold for around $90 a pound. Traditionally it is sold as a nutritional supplement (as it is a great source of iodine) or a cooking ingredient. Researcher, Chris Langdon and his colleagues at OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center have now created a new strain of dulse, that they have been growing for the past 15 years. What Did The Researchers Have To Say? “The original goal was to create a super-food for abalone, becaus...

The Anatomy Of God: Meditations On Separation & Wholeness collective-evolution

This is part IV of an occasional series on “the anatomy of God.” Various spiritual traditions have long suggested that God is not separate from us. Rather, we are God and individual somehow at the same time. There is even support for this notion, today thought to be primarily part of the Eastern philosophical and spiritual traditions, in the Bible and in some versions of Christianity. The Gnostic Christian tradition relied on this notion, and the idea of each of us being a manifestation of God was in fact the major dividing line between Gnostic Christianity and what became mainline Christianity in the 4 th Century. What does it mean, then, that each of us is , in fact, God? How can we be God, the entirety, the universe itself, while also being little old bags of skin and bones with a rather limited time span allotted on this planet to ponder such imponderables? This essay will explore some possible answers to this question of questions. First, we state the obvious: there is a mani...

Arizona Mandates all Dogs Sold In Pet Stores to Come from Shelters

Great news for animal rescuers, shelter volunteers, and animal advocates worldwide. Arizona has passed a new rule that will help stop the puppy mill problem.  This is an announcement that we hope will quickly spread in one form or another to all major cities across the nation. In July of 2015, a federal judge in Pheonix, Arizona upheld a law for the city that requires all dogs who are being sold in a pet store to come from a non-profit rescue or a shelter.  The judges ruling will help cut the profits from puppy mills who massively breed and inbreed dogs. The puppy mills are considered to be extremely cruel for a variety of reasons.  Animals in puppy mills are bred only for profit because of this the female dogs spend most of their live being pregnant and have little to no time to recover between litters.  Many of the dogs live in little cages with very little attention or exercise as well. On top of the mass production of dogs in this factory-like setting the...

Negative Visualization As A Positive Psychological Tool

The hedonic treadmill  – or hedonic adaptation  – are psychological terms used to describe the theory that humans have a base line emotional state that we all inevitably return to after events that cause us great happiness and personal gain or mass loss and sadness. The consumer and capitalist ideals conditioned into and practiced by the majority of westerners is a prime example of this theory. Not a long period of time exists between obtaining a new sports car, a new job promotion or the latest smart phone until the insatiable desire for then next best thing is set into motion. Let it be made clear that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the desire to strive, achieve and obtain. It is our birthright to pursue our passions and embody our dreams and ultimately to optimize ourselves. Yet there is a firm difference between achieving a goal and valuing the outcome in comparison to seeing an endeavor to completion to then disregarding the results in favor of continual an...

NASA's Response To Huge Solar Storm 'Will Plunge Earth Into TWO Weeks of Darkness' NEXT Month physics-astronomy

Monkeys Are Heading To MARS: Trained Russian Monkeys Set To Visit Mars In 2017 physics-astronomy

Rosetta's "Most Surprising Discovery So Far": Presence Of OXYGEN Stunned Scientists physics-astronomy

4 Discoveries That Would Change *Everything* physics-astronomy

It's quite fun to reflect about what the "next upcoming big thing" in science is going to be. Just a few years ago, I would not have expected that we'd be discovering traces of  water on Mars  or a conceivable  new link  in the chain of human ancestry. I personally like this video for the reason that it comprises not just scientific predictions, but discoveries that would primarily change how we see ourselves in the cosmos. Just Whoa.